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No notes for slide• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Click the Share to Base button (or highlight a selection and right mouse click to select Share to Base ). Make the selection for the start of the share to base. Notice the Share to Base flag in brackets. Note: Click on the icon to deactivate the Share to Base option or highlight the selection and right-mouse click and select Remove Share to Base. Driver Ricoh Aficio Mp C305sp. Click OK to run the retrieval (after all dimensions have selections within them). Highlight the column or row that will be made into a share calculation. Right mouse click, select Calculations, and Share.

Acnielsen Nitro Software CompanyAcnielsen Nitro Software Company

Choose to display the Base (the 100% or Parent) as a Percentage or a value. Click OK to exit dialog. • Click the Share to Base button (or highlight a selection and right mouse click to select Share to Base ). Make the selection for the start of the share to base. Notice the Share to Base flag in brackets. Note: Click on the icon to deactivate the Share to Base option or highlight the selection and right-mouse click and select Remove Share to Base. Click OK to run the retrieval (after all dimensions have selections within them).

Confidential & Proprietary Copyright © 2007 The Nielsen Company ACNielsen Advisor Interactive i-sights User training. All functions are easy to use and can be repeated every time we retrieve the software – i.e. Every time users retrieve data the information will be – Shared to the 100% – Ranked based.

Highlight the column or row that will be made into a share calculation. Right mouse click, select Calculations, and Share. Choose to display the Base (the 100% or Parent) as a Percentage or a value.

Click OK to exit dialog. Walton And Rockoff History Of The American Economy Ebooking. Ac nielsen+ +advisor+isights+interactive+(client+user+training)+v15+-+advanced+-+new • 1.

Confidential & Proprietary Copyright © 2007 The Nielsen Company ACNielsen Advisor Interactive i-sights User training • [Topic of Confidential & Proprietary Copyright © 2007 The Nielsen Company Course Outcomes 1. To be able to build and maintain presentations using ACNielsen Advisor 2. To be able to build and save ACNielsen Advisor reports 3. To be able to train external clients on ACNielsen Advisor Personal • Confidential & Proprietary Copyright © 2007 The Nielsen Company Working with Explorer • [Topic of Confidential & Proprietary Copyright © 2007 The Nielsen Company What is Report Book Explorer?