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Powerpoint Presentation Free Download On Pollution

Powerpoint Presentation Free Download On Pollution

Title: Environmental Pollution 1 Environmental Pollution 2 Objectives • Man is one of the species who inhabit the earth.he is the only one who has interfered with various natural processes for use of both biological physical resources to meet his multiple demands,man has polluted all the three realms of the earth-lithosphere,hydrosphere atmosphere.it is essential for us to know about environment its pollution. • In this presentation we will be able to know about- • • Primary secondary pollutants • Acid rain • Ozone depletion • Green house effect • Noise pollution • Environment • Biosphere • Ecosystem model • Atmosphere • Atmospheric pollution 3 Environment • • That which surrounds, the total sum of the condition of the surroundings within which an organism, or group, or an object,exists(including the natural as modified by human activity the artificial). 4 Abiotic Environment Atmosphere Sea Biotic Environment Environment is the sum of biotic abiotic component 5 Atmosphere Biosphere The entire part of earth's land, soil, water atmosphere in which living organism are found is called biosphere Or The combined area lithosphere, hydrosphere of atmosphere is known as biosphere. Biosphere Hydrosphere Lithosphere Biosphere Model 6 Biotic Component Abiotic Component Soil provides habitat including water air for many invertebrates addition many animals have evolved specialist cope with different soils for example the feet of camel. Ecosystem Model 7 Atmosphere • Our current atmosphere is a mixture of many different gases suspended particles.

PowerPoint Presentation: Prevention of air pollution 1.We should share vehicles for going to office. 2.We should get a regular pollution check of our vehicle. 3.We should use a bicycle for going to near by places. 4.Chimneys of factories should be fitted with proper filters to prevent smokes from coming out.

It is almost same every where up to an altitude of 80 Kms.The atmosphere is divided in to 4 layers- 8 Composition of Atmosphere 9 Atmospheric Pollution Is an unwanted change in the quality of earth's earths atmosphere caused by emission of gases caused by emission of gases due to burning of fossil fuel,transportation,industrial institution etc. 42 21 Transportation Fuel Industries waste Other 10 Different Pollutants • Gaseous waste Oxides of nitrogen,SO2,CO2,CO.Cl,Br,I,O3 smog. • Complex organic chemicals Benzene, ether. • Acid prop lets H2SO4, HNO3 • Agrochemicals fertilizers, pesticides,herbicixles,fungicides, rematicides,weedicides,bectrecides etc. • Fluorides • Metals Mercury,lead,Cd,Zn,Fe,Ni etc. • Solid wasreGarbage,plastic etc.

Marine Pollution. Petroleum hydrocarbons; Plastics; Pesticides; Heavy metals; Sewage; Radioactive waste; Thermal effluents. Marine Pollutants. Dvd X Copy Platinum Activation Crack Download Free. Pollutants Entering the Ocean. Farm runoff 20%. Air pollutants. Offshore oil. Midway Atoll National. Free Weather Forecast PowerPoint Template is a free weather PowerPoint template that you can use to show weather conditions and forecast in a PowerPoint presentation.

• Radioactive waste Nuclear reacters,uranium,nuclea r explosion. • Noise waste 11 Classification of Air Pollutents • Natural Pollutants The pollution which comes out from natural sources such as forest fires volcanic eruption decomposition of organic matter natural radioactivity. Primary Pollutants Harmful chemical that directly enters the air as a result of human activity.

These are deforestisation burning of fossil fuel industrialization warfare etc. • Secondary pollutants These result from chemical reactions between two or more air components. Formation of secondary pollutants 2SO2O2 2SO3 2SO3H2O H2SO4 (Secondary pollutant) 12 Solar radiation Primary Pollutants Secondary Pollutants Volcano Factory Formation of secondary pollutents 13 Environmental challenges • Green house effect Increasing global temperature. Scientists predicting that earth's temperature will increase by 3-40C by year 2030 if the pollution continues to increase at the same pace. • • Ozone depletion As ozone layer in the upper atmosphere absorbs incoming harmful ultraviolet radiation but it is now getting thinner more UVs are reaching in to earth creating different disease like cancer eye problems. • Photochemical smog In 1952 London was covered by smog for 10 days.This smog was caused by fog, smoke, ash, SO2 plus NO2.Sunlight played a great role in the formation of this smog.Though deaths occurring at that time were not directly attributed to the smog later statistics confirmed that 6,000 more people.