Program For Bisection Method In Fortran Do Loop
May 23, 2013. See Newton's method for the square root for a description of how Newton's method works. Estimate the zero of f(x) using Newton's method. Of f(x) do k=1,maxiter! Evaluate function and its derivative: fx = f(x) fxprime = fp(x) if (abs(fx) tol) then exit! Jump out of do loop endif! Compute Newton increment x:. Express Helpline- Get answer of your question fast from real experts. The netCDF Operators, or NCO, are a suite of programs known as operators. The operators facilitate manipulation and analysis of data stored in the self-describing.
The Bisection (Bozano) Equation Solver The Bisection (Bozano) Equation Solver Problem Statement Given a continuous equation f(x)=0 and two values a and b ( a ' READ(*,*) Left, Right! Read in Left and Right fLeft = Funct(Left)! Compute their function values fRight = Funct(Right) WRITE(*,*) WRITE(*,*) 'Left = ', Left, ' f(Left) = ', fLeft WRITE(*,*) 'Right = ', Right, ' f(Right) = ', fRight WRITE(*,*) IF (fLeft*fRight >0.0) THEN WRITE(*,*) '*** ERROR: f(Left)*f(Right) must be negative ***' ELSE Root = Solve(Left, Right, Tolerance) WRITE(*,*) 'A root is ', Root END IF CONTAINS!
Lecturer: Rafel He,mat Hameed. University of Babylon. Subject: Fortran 90. College of Engineering. Year: Second B.Sc. Program bisection implicit none real,parameter::error=1e-4 real::a,b,f,c. 10 read(*,*) a,b. 15 if (f(a)*f(b).lt. Uwsc Pro 4 2 Keygen Mac. 0)then c=(a+b)/2.0 else write(*,*)'try with another value of a & b '.
REAL FUNCTION Funct()! This is for function f(x). It takes a REAL formal argument and! Returns the value of f() at x. The following is sample function! With a root in the range of -10.0 and 0.0.
You can change the! Expression with your own function.! -------------------------------------------------------------------- REAL FUNCTION Funct(x) IMPLICIT NONE REAL, INTENT(IN):: x REAL, PARAMETER:: PI = 3.1415926 REAL, PARAMETER:: a = 0.8475 Funct = SQRT(PI/2.0)*EXP(a*x) + x/(a*a + x*x) END FUNCTION Funct! REAL FUNCTION Solve()! This function takes Left - the left end, Right - the right end,!
And Tolerance - a tolerance value such that f(Left)*f(Right) -10.0 0.0 Left = -10. F(Left) = -9.902540594E-2 Right = 0.E+0 f(Right) = 1.25331414 A root is -0.89050293 The following output shows that the function values of the input do not have opposite signs and hence program stops. This program solves equation F(x) = 0 Please enter two values Left and Right such that F(Left) and F(Right) have opposite signs. Left and Right please -->-10.0 -1.0 Left = -10.