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Scott An Aid To Clinical Surgery Latest Edition Of People

Scott An Aid To Clinical Surgery Latest Edition Of People

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Cancer patient John Krahne has delayed taking a prescribed cancer drug because it was too expensive. He walks near his home in Santa Rosa, Calif. Robert Durell for Kaiser Health News John Krahne received alarming news from his doctor last December. His brain tumors were stable, but his lung tumors had grown noticeably larger. The doctor recommended a drug called, which sells for more than $159,000 a year. Medicare would charge Krahne a $3,200 copay in December, then another $3,200 in January, as a new year of coverage kicked in. For the first time since being diagnosed 10 years ago, Krahne, 65, decided to delay filling his prescription, hoping that his cancer wouldn't take advantage of the lapse and wreak further havoc on his body.