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Theme Park Snes Strategy Guide

Theme Park Strategy Guide Theme Park Strategy Guide Park design Slow the game speed down when designing the park. This will allow more time to place rides and provide a small amount of lee-way when playing the game. People enjoy going on rides and winning on stalls; try to cut down the amount of time that they spend walking between one attraction and the next.

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One method of doing this is to have a straight path with rides coming off either side of it. Each ride is butted up against the side of the path with the entrance around the back and the exit leading back onto the main path. A short queue should link the path to the entrance. Try to stagger the rides on either side so that anyone leaving one ride is pointed straight at the queue entrance to the next one.

In this method the visitors will zig zag between the rides and the amount of time they spend just walking and not being on a ride is minimal. The major disadvantage with this method is that it does not leave much room for decorative features that make the park look nice and this may put some people off.

Theme Park Snes Strategy Guide

If the park has a complex path system with rides and stalls all over, place signposts so that people know where they are heading. If a person comes across a sign pointing towards a ride that they want to visit then they will feel happier about walking towards it as opposed to just wandering around aimlessly. Also, signposts that point towards the exit allow annoyed people to leave quicker and not wander around for hours getting more upset. Unhappy people tend not to go on rides or buy things from shops and just clutter up the park and reduce the average number of the happy people. As a result of this, the park's reputation and popularity will suffer. Another method of park design is the one way method. Torrent Gospel Musicians Neo Soul Keys 3x Kontakt.

The park is designed in such a way that the people have no choice but to walk around the park in an organized and orderly manner. This has advantages in that you should be able calculate what any person will be requiring at any one time and be ready for it. In addition, the need for signposts is greatly reduced as there are fewer junctions for people to navigate. A problem arises when too many people enter the park. Queues fill up and so people are unable to go on all of the rides.

Due to the one way structure of the park, they are unable to return to rides that they may have missed. Sometimes attempting to place objects on long grass will leave short grass that can cause placement difficulties. Demolishing the short grass may fix the problem. Place a Balloon Shop right near the entrance so that the visitors will part with their money while they are still happy.

This will put them in a good mood for the rest of their stay unless something bad happens. Rides When positioning rides allow for the fact that entrances and exits may move at some point. Place bigger rides and attractions towards the back of the park. This will ensure the customers spend money on shops and stalls on their way through the park. Do not be afraid to remove rides that are placed incorrectly. It is far better to lose the money for buying this one ride than to distract valuable Mechanics from repairing the star attraction so that it blows up with people on it. The little people tend to prefer a large variety of rides as opposed to lots of identical ones.

If the park has more than one of the same type of ride, try to position them quite far apart. Build good rides two times and very good rides three times if possible.

As rides get older so they do not last as long as they should before needing repair. When this starts to happen, consider selling the ride and replacing it with an upgraded one. This will put less strain on the mechanics.

When replacing rides, the old ride first must be demolished. Demolishing the Roller Coaster or Big Dipper entry will also demolish all connected track, so it is a good idea to break the track manually first. A ride must be replaced if the 'your XXX ride has gotten so old you should replace it' message appears. If the ride is not replaced, it may blow up and leave immobile debris. To keep rides busy, make sure the queue lanes and the exit joined up to the path.